Friday, September 7, 2012

Tell a woman by her shoes

There are only a few things that can really tell you about a woman’s personality. One of which is, what she’s wearing on her feet. It turns out that 90% of a person’s personality can be determined just by examining the style, price, and condition of their shoes.

When meeting someone for the first time we look at certain elements that can give us an idea of what the person is like. Here is quick guide for men to tell what kind of woman they could expect by observing  their shoes. 

Wedges - Women who wear wedge shoes are usually straightforward, confident and love power. In relationships they seek for reliability and trust.

Stilettos-  She’s a woman with confidence, class and certain fashion sense. She is not afraid to be seen and heard. A woman who is confident and not scared to stand out in a crowd. Most likely a woman who takes risks in life and business. She is on a mission to gain the world’s wonders each and every day.

Peep toes - . These women are considered modern, stable and elegant, but still want to take it easy. Not to bold and a bit daring. Many people say that, very feminine ladies wear peep toe shoes. 

Loafers- Not the most fashion conscious girl in the place, the loafer-wearer is all about comfort-over-style. She’ll be low maintenance as well. Professional yet laid back. 

Ballet Shoes- This could indicate, most probably a daddy’s girl and a bit spoiled. She still sees herself as the naive little girl. Take our word for it; this girl still has teddy bears, pink pillows and childhood collectables in her bedroom. She may be pretty, but you’ll become a babysitter.

Shoes $800+ - High maintenance doesn’t even begin to sum this girl who only wears expensive brand named shoes, but don’t be too scared, there’s a good chance you can’t afford her anyway. She probably has a shoe closet and don’t be at all surprised if her footwear is organized by name or color code. And even if you don’t realize she is wearing a brand shoe she will remind you all night. 

Casual sneakers- Don’t think of running shoes, think Pumas, Converse or A&F . This girl is laid back and relatively easy going. Up to date with her pop-culture knowledge. She’s probably happy drinking beer and being outside in a concert.

Flip-flops- Suggests a cheerful spirit and woman on the go. She wants to be confortable and is more worried about having fun than looking good.  But if you see her in a club wearing these then, you know she is probably a bit lazy, and may not care much for her image. 

Transparent high heels – Hope you have a lot of singles in your wallet.

According to shoe expert Krystal McAllister, another great indicator of their personality is what condition they keep their footwear in. “Many women go above and beyond to protect their shoes with products such as heel shield , polishes and covers, in order to keep them from damage and dirt. This tells you they are not just worried about their image, but are responsible with their belongings.”

Most women are very picky about the style of shoes they buy and use. They see their shoes as something more than an object to walk in Determining a woman’s  personality through her shoes its not a science, but is a close indicator of what to expect. Whether or not it's your intention, your shoes will do much of the talking for you. And don’t forget this works both ways, women can tell a lot about a man by looking at their shoes. Just remember, for the shoes to tell you about a person, it will depend entirely on the situation they are wearing them in. Many unfavorable encounters could potentially have been avoided with just a little insight into what a shoe may say about its wearer.

Men, one last thing, always compliment a women on her shoes… trust me !!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the last line of this post - Miguel YOU are SO Right!
